Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS)



Your candidate will earn +20 bonus points on COMPASS for filling a role on the SOL.

Your candidate’s bonus points will be reduced from +20 to +10 if their nationality forms one-third or higher of your firm’s PMETs. This encourages resilience and diversity in firms, especially in areas requiring critical skills.

  • C2顶级机构 20

  • C5短缺职业清单(SOL) 10~20

    Infocomm Technology

    AI scientist/engineer

    Applications/systems programmer

    Cloud specialist

    Cyber risk specialist

    Cybersecurity architect

    Cybersecurity operations specialist

    Data scientist

    Digital forensics specialist

    Penetration testing specialist

    Product manager (digital)

    Software and applications manager (technical lead/supervisor)

    Software developer

    Web and mobile applications developer
